Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Day - 09

Okay, I finally got to a wireless zone.  It's at my sister house, so, good.

Ok I can't figure out how to put these pics in order. So this one above is me cooking noodles in the van, in Texass. 
This is of the visitors center in Texass.

There was a cool windmill inside the Texass visitors center.

And here is the view off of the patio in front of the Texass visitors center.
They have nearly everything there for the weary traveler, everything except wireless. As a matter of fact everywhere in Texass I stopped there was either no access or paid access. My entire trip, from Boston to the Texass border had wireless. Even in the poorer states. But wait, once I entered New Mexico I had wireless again. Thanks for nuthin Texass.

So here is a picture of a rest stop in New Mexico. I thought I got more pictures but I can't operate an iPad.

Here's another one, exciting huh?
If I find, oh, I know where they are. My phone. So pics later.

I made real good time and ended up on my sisters doorstep around 2:00pm. 
Now I have to catch up on all my interweb stuff. Thanks Texass.

Oh and it is beautiful here. Sunny hot with a cool wind. It can't be more than 65.

Texass sucks.


  1. So you don't like texass, huh? I picked that up in your subliminal misspellings. Beautiful pictures, can't wait to enjoy the 65℉ when it's 45℉ here in Tennessee. I am doing 3 paintings all at the same time today, since I was left alone all day with total peace. I'd include quiet, too, except the stair building guy worked for four hours building stairs to the creek and then the cement truck came and poured, and it was noisy, but I was happy as a pig with a banana.

  2. But Texas state (auto correct for Paul's spelling) has some good ooooo BBQ.

  3. When it comes to BBQ Texass is in the top five.
