Monday, November 2, 2015

Day 08

Well the fund raiser at the Gratidude Ranch was fun last night. I met some great people and listened to some great music. Many thanks to Billy Lord and the band. Come to find out that Bill an I have some mutual acquaintances from Bradford college. Huh, small world.

The Gratidude Ranch Stage

The Stables 

The Lounge

Next to the Lounge

I had fun and we had some laughs but its time to move on. I will be leaving this morning, what time, I don't know but it will be before noon. I'm going to try to make it five hundred miles before I stop.
Thank you Suzi and James for your hospitality and letting me stay a couple of nights. I wish the weather was a bit better but whatever.

On a side note, I had to get a few things at the local walmart and I don't know if too many people are familiar with but this is one that is frequently on it. All I have to say is I was not disappointed, but I forgot my camera so no pics. Sorry. But there was this guy who is a super fan of some sports-ball team and let me tell you he was all about representing his team, or morphing into the mascot, I couldn't stop looking. He had a tail. And fuzzy ears. Damn I wish I had my phone on me. Now I know some people would say, "that's not nice, don't make fun of those people." Blah blah, blah. But the way I look at it is they want to be noticed, I mean why else wear that outfit if you don't want to be looked at. He was proud to show his pride and I did him a disservice by NOT posting his picture. But it looked something like this.

What if he was one of those furries or furbies, you know, the people who like to dress up as plush animals and do. . . stuff. Plushies? That would be creepy. And it was the day AFTER halloween. Honestly I have no idea. But now I want some cereal.


  1. Hahahaha...funniest post yet! Glad you were able to stop and relax and recover from the aches of long distance driving. You got some terrific pictures of gratidude ranch! For anyone interested, they ARE ON Facebook, and they are a 301c non- profit. They run this beautiful place for the benefit of foster children.

  2. Hahahaha...funniest post yet! Glad you were able to stop and relax and recover from the aches of long distance driving. You got some terrific pictures of gratidude ranch! For anyone interested, they ARE ON Facebook, and they are a 301c non- profit. They run this beautiful place for the benefit of foster children.
