Thursday, September 26, 2013

The new project has started

I'm here. And it's good to be back in a quiet place in my own house.
The last tenant left the place a mess but with the help of my friends I'm getting it back into shape.
The first step was to get the power hooked back up so I can do the work necessary. The whole point of the renovation is to get myself off the grid so I don't plan on keeping the power hooked up. My hopes are to have a stand alone system up and running by the spring.
After the dust settles I will start on the heating system.
Currently I heat with a wood stove and it does a great job. The drawback is that I have to constantly tend the fire. So I cannot venture out very far for long or the house will freeze.
My idea is to construct a wood gasifier. This will provide both heat for the house and gas to run a generator.
I need to sit down and figure out the size so I can run it round the clock with minimal refueling. I'm thinking once a day.
So I need to locate a generator and modify it for my purposes.
The gasifier is the easy part oddly enough. I'm going to take a few designs I've researched and incorporate some automation. I would like to use sawdust since I have a fairly large supply of it but the issues with using that fuel is a challenge. I would also like to use wood scrap so the machine will need to be flexible as far as the design of the burn chamber is concerned.
Once I have the gasifier done I can vent the gas into another device to burn it for heat until I get the generator. Maybe I can modify a gas water heater?

1 comment:

  1. would a gas fired water tank shell be strong enough to handle the pressure of the gas you are loading inside? i doubt would split along the side seal i think. how about a maple sugar tank...they are built for heat and pressure. still, there is a lot of pressure in gas. old propane tank?
