Thursday, June 19, 2014

Wow, has it been ten months since my last post?

Indeed it has.
In short, here is an update on my progress.
(picture a tumbleweed crossing a road.)
I have many excuses, but my favorite one has to be lack of money.
I had rented my house to a fellow who decided to up and leave to go out west and stiffed me for rent as well as running up my electric to the tune of twelve hundred dollars. And the total cost to me after I had the power re-connected was in the fifteen hundred range.
So needless to say, my limited funds had become down right pitiful.
I changed directions and built a CNC table for cutting signage and various other things. I have also built a 3D printer from scatch in hopes that I can build more and sell them. So far I have sold one.
The CNC table is my go to machine to make all kinds of signage as well as cutting parts for the 3D printer.
Once I get a little cash flow established I can continue my house modifications.
So now onto the house. In order to better utilize my space I moved the kitchen one room over and made the old kitchen into my new living area. I like the new layout a lot better.
I will be disconnecting myself from the grid in July of '14 so I have to get my keister in gear and build my generator.
I have a small four thousand watt generator I will be rebuilding into something that does not use petroleum.
I still have some experimenting to do.
The composing toilet system is in the works and I am currently sourcing parts.
My trip to New Mexico is still going to happen although I may not be driving my RV. Due to the cost of petrol I will be driving my 94 Toyota Camry. Will it make it? I'm not sure but I will have used less gas.
I still can't believe it's been ten months.