Without adding any new projects I am whittling away at the long list of projects that I need to get done once and for all.
Friday, May 17, 2013
She may be ready this weekend
I'm already chomp'in at the bit to get the new parts I received installed on it. I have two new roof vents and a stove vent. With a few stainless steel screws and that rubber spray I'll be in business. I will also replace the front marker lights with the LED units I bought many months ago.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
So, Do I rebuild the Bathroom or make it into a Lounge?
And then there is the argument that it's a lot of extra hassle if I use it. There is the added weight of the water in the fresh water tank and the ever increasing amount of liquid and yesterday's food in the black water tank that I now have to find a legit place to dump. (pardon the pun)
Gas is expensive and the less weight I carry the better. And I wouldn't have to go out of my way to find a waste deposit area, thereby saving more gas.
But, I do like to be clean. And daily showers are very important to me. The water tank holds forty gallons and if I use the shower, it will use approximately one point five gallons a minute, and that's . . .
roughly a half hour of shower time. That's enough for one good shower and and possibly one maintenance shower. And then I have to find more water to refill the tank, and a place to dump the waste. . .
Ok, while I was on the road I leaned the ways of the asphalt cowboys. Who either didn't bathe until there was a strong storm, or used one of the thousands of showers available at most big truck stops.
It's not expensive, and the showers are the size of a small apartment easily able to fit myself and maybe a half dozen really close friends.
So now I'm thinking I'm not going to rebuild the bathroom. It would make a nifty machine shop just big enough to house my CNC mill. I would like to make things along the way and possibly make some extra scratch. I like this Idea. And I can remove the big tanks that I'm sure weigh a couple hundred pounds along with the pipes.
Besides, I'm a guy. I can always pull over to the side of the road and admire the beauty that is nature.
Get out and check the tires.
Go stretch my legs.
Chase down big foot.
Do some bird watching.
Check my lights.
Looking Forward to the Weekend
As I grow older and see more of what everything is about I realized that status is just a way of making a goal for yourself. Something to strive for. That's good. But when I'm looked down on because I don't have . . ., compared to whomever's own personal goals, then I just have to take a deep breath and subdue the urge to beat the living crap out of them.
I don't really mean that. I'm a pacifist and I let things like this bounce off me. Most of the time.
But back to the weekend, Hopefully I will be able to pick up the RV with new tires and proudly drive it back home. I have not heard from the mechanic yet but I will call tomorrow and see what's up.
I have big plans in the following weeks for the old girl. First I need to fix the gas filler then repair the generator. I'm going to lay a new carpet in the cab and get working on the bathroom. One thing I need to address are the rear wheel skirts, they are in bad shape. I looked online and they want a totally unreasonable amount for them. So my solution is to make them myself. The skirt is symmetrical so between the two I can make one good one for a mold. A little fiberglass and resin and I'm in business.
I watch the 4x4 truck shows and in one particular episode they used polar fleece rather than fiberglass. It looked good so I will try it myself. It's a good cheap alternative.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Second Official Trip Complete
I left my friends house and drove to the highway with the intention of stopping to get gas. I pulled off the road to the Irving station and drove up to a pump. At this point I realized that I left my wallet in my car so I walked over to my friends truck where he was filling up and I informed him of the sitch. Then while I was talking I had my hands in my pocket and it dawned on me that I had cash.
So now the RV sits at my mechanics garage waiting patiently for new tires.
Hopefully I will be able to pick her up this weekend so I can fix the fill neck and any other little things that need attention. There are not many more thing I need to do.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Buying my baby new sneakers.
It's the weekend, and that means the second outing for the rolling party wagon. This time I'm taking it to my mechanic at JAM Automotive in Barrington NH. (Shameless plug.)
It's about an hour drive over many different types of streets. I'll stat off on the interstate, exit onto a state highway and then onto a few town roads.
I have already completed the first leg, from the storage area to my friends house to pick up my brand new tires. The ride was about twenty minutes and the first drive since I timed the engine.
Last weekend, when I moved it from Portsmouth City Maker Space, there was an unpleasant smell of gas that got worse along the way. I didn't find any gas leaks but I did notice the generator was wet. I knew that the engine was still way out of time so I fixed that problem, although I did not have a clue of what the timing should be. So I took my best guess and set it at around eight degrees BDC. It ran well so I let it be until I got my reprint of the factory service manual.
The book arrived during the week and I learned many good things about the van. One of which was the timing for the engine, which is zero, or TDC. So it's still a little off but it's raining and I have to get under way.
So at 7:00am this morning I climbed in and started her up. After a few minutes it was idling nicely and I worked on securing the cabin for travel. All along I did not detect the slightest smell of fuel. Good. Once she was up to temperature I slid back in the drivers seat, put her in gear and I was off.
There was a slight surge from the engine at low speed, around five to ten MPH. I made it to the stop sign, looked both ways and gave it some gas. She gracefully accelerated up to thirty without any complaint. A few minutes later I got to the interstate and brought her up to fifty five. No problems, she sounded good and healthy. The next hurtle was the sixty five MPH mark that didn't go so well last weekend. But to my relief we hit the target and a little more. No popping or coughing from the power plant. Sweet.
About fifteen minutes later I was at my friends house loading tires.
Now I'm blogging because I told my friend I would be there at eight and it's about seven thirty. I can't help it I get very punctual when I'm excited.